Chakra balance is essential for maintaining physical, mental and spiritual harmony. According to yogic tradition and energy medicine, our bodies are crossed by seven major energy centers, called chakras. Each of these energy points influences specific aspects of our well-being, and when a chakra is out of balance, this can lead to various physical or emotional problems.
Natural stones, with their unique vibrations, are widely used to restore chakra harmony. Each stone has its own frequency that resonates with a particular chakra, helping to restore its energy flow.
In this article, we'll explore the stones most suited to each chakra, their properties and how they can be used effectively for optimal rebalancing.

2. The sacral chakra (Svadhisthana) and creativity stones
3. Solar plexus chakra (Manipura) and trust stones
4. Heart chakra (Anahata) and love stones
5. The throat chakra (Vishuddha) and communication stones
6. Third eye (Ajna) chakra and spiritual clarity stones
7. The crown chakra (Sahasrara) and spiritual stones
1. The root chakra (Muladhara) and anchoring stones
The root chakra, located at the base of the spine, is associated with security, stability and grounding. When unbalanced, it can lead to feelings of insecurity, fear and stress.
Stones associated with this chakra are usually red or black, as they promote grounding and inner strength.
Black obsidian: A powerful protective stone, it helps to rid oneself of negative energies and strengthen one's anchorage.
Red jasper: Promotes vitality, self-confidence and connection to the earth.
Hematite: Known for its ability to absorb stress and tension, it stabilizes emotions and strengthens physical energy.
Black tourmaline: Protects against negative external influences and helps restore energetic balance.
Use: To balance the root chakra, wear these stones as jewelry, keep them in your pocket or place them under your bed to promote restful sleep.
2. The sacral chakra (Svadhisthana) and creativity stones
Located just below the navel, the sacral chakra governs creativity, passion and emotions. An imbalance at this level can lead to a lack of motivation, emotional blockages or a drop in libido.
Stones used to rebalance this chakra are generally orange in color and stimulate creative energy.
Carnelian: boosts motivation and self-confidence, and stimulates creativity.
Moonstone: Promotes emotional balance and enhances intuition.
Amber: Brings warmth and energy while purifying negative emotions.
How to use: For optimum effect, meditate with one of these stones on your lower abdomen, or wear a carnelian bracelet on a daily basis.
3. Solar plexus chakra (Manipura) and trust stones
This chakra, located above the navel, is linked to willpower, self-confidence and personal energy. An imbalance can cause a lack of determination, digestive problems or a loss of self-confidence.
Associated stones are yellow in color and enhance vitality.
Citrine: A stone of joy and energy, it stimulates motivation and abundance.
Tiger's eye: Protects and boosts self-confidence by dispelling fears.
Pyrite: Encourages action and perseverance in the face of challenges.
Use: Wear these stones around the solar plexus to enhance their energizing effect.
4. Heart chakra (Anahata) and love stones
Located in the center of the chest, the heart chakra is the center of emotions, love and compassion. When unbalanced, it can manifest as sadness, relationship problems or a lack of self-love.
Associated stones are pink or green, symbolizing love and harmony.
Rose quartz: A stone of unconditional love, it promotes emotional healing and an open heart.
Green aventurine: Brings emotional balance and helps overcome heartache.
Rhodonite: Helps heal past wounds and promotes forgiveness.
Use: Wear a rose quartz pendant or meditate by placing the stone over your heart.

5. The throat chakra (Vishuddha) and communication stones
The throat chakra governs communication, self-expression and inner truth. A blockage can lead to difficulty expressing oneself or a fear of judgment.
Associated stones are blue in color, favoring clarity and expression.
Sodalite: Helps overcome shyness and improves communication.
Aquamarine: Promotes fluid, harmonious expression.
Lapis lazuli: Encourages authenticity and public speaking.
Use: Hold a blue stone in your hand during an important conversation or place one on your throat during meditation.
6. Third eye (Ajna) chakra and spiritual clarity stones
This chakra, located between the eyebrows, is associated with intuition, wisdom and perception. An imbalance can lead to concentration problems and a lack of inner vision.
Suitable stones are indigo or violet, which stimulate perception.
Amethyst: Enhances intuition and calms the mind.
Labradorite: Protects and promotes clairvoyance.
Fluorite: Improves concentration and decision-making.
Use: Place an amethyst under your pillow to stimulate intuitive dreams.
7. The crown chakra (Sahasrara) and spiritual stones
The crown chakra, located at the top of the head, is the center of spiritual connection and wisdom. An imbalance can cause feelings of disconnection or existential confusion.
Associated stones are generally white or violet and promote spiritual upliftment.
Rock crystal: Amplifies energy and harmonizes all chakras.
Amethyst: Facilitates spiritual elevation and meditation.
Selenite: Brings mental clarity and energy purification.
Use: Meditate with a selenite stone at the top of your head for spiritual connection.
Lithotherapy stones are valuable allies in rebalancing the chakras and promoting overall well-being. By integrating these minerals into your daily life, you can improve your emotional, energetic and spiritual balance. Each stone has a unique vibration, and it's essential to choose the ones that best resonate with your needs.